What We Stand For

One morning, I was walking through King St Subway Station in Toronto and I had a bolt of power. 

I was wearing a three-quarter-length skirt and a cute crop top and I felt so beautiful. In that moment, I felt so confident, so powerful, so worthy, so unstoppable. I felt like I could take on anything.

Clothes are powerful. It is why kids get a new outfit for the first day of school, why we plan our outfits for a big presentation at work, or a first date, or a special event. Clothes can help us feel more confident, help us walk taller, speak louder, and take on our dreams.

But at the end of the day, clothes are just fabric. That shirt, or skirt, or dress doesn’t have confidence, or beauty, or intelligence, or unstoppability - all of those qualities come from within you.

You are already everything you need to be and clothes help bring it out in you. 

My hope is that Ava&Ziva can be one small piece to accentuate everything that you already are. 

With my whole heart,