Combatting Overconsumption

As we read headlines of record floods in parts of the world while others are facing worrisome droughts, it is easy to see that the Earth continues to ravaged by climate change.

As the fashion industry is one of the largest polluting industry in the world, the race to find sustainable and ethical clothing manufacturing is faster than ever.

There are very smart minds creating innovated manufacturing processes to minimize the impact on the people and planet. Though the jury is still out on what the “best” manufacturing process, one thing that everyone agrees on, is that overconsumption is the number one leading cause to the current environmental crisis.

As the founder of a clothing company, this fact is one that I wrestle with regularly. Regardless of how ‘sustainable’ our clothes are, we are inherently contributing to consumption.

How do I acknowledge this fact and continue to create clothes? How can I encourage people to buy our clothes while simultaneously staying true to my values? How can I start and grow a clothing company while ensuring that I can look my future grandkids in the eyes and say “I did all that I could.”

I frequently wrestle with these questions, and though my views will continue to evolve as the world does, here are my current answers on how Ava&Ziva will strive to combat overconsumption:

1. Creating clothes that are well made, that will last season after season, and make people feel great.

Fast Fashion profits off low-quality garments, that have short lifecycles and frequent re-buying.

We don’t subscribe to that idea. We believe there is beauty in clothes that have lasted through many season. Clothes that have survived first dates, job interviews, heart breaks, and big achievements.

We believe clothes should walk with us through life. 

How will we do this?

  • Designing clothes that feel modern, yet timeless. We strive to design pieces that feel in-style and on-trend, but will last through the many phases of life and fashion.
  • Creating high-quality garments that will withstand whatever life throws at it. 
  • Seeking and listening to feedback; being committed to continuous improvement. As the world and Ava&Ziva evolves, we are committed to listening to the feedback from our customers and ensuring that we are continuously striving for high quality and beautiful pieces. 

2. Coming from a place of ‘enough.’

We currently live in a world which monopolizes upon peoples insecurities to sell products. The dominant message in our current culture is “you’re never enough… but buy our product and you’ll be one step closer.”

That’s not us. You don’t need us to feel beautiful. You don’t need us to be enough. You don’t need us to be smart, intelligent, successful, pretty, unstoppable, [insert everything you desire here]. You already have everything that you need. 

We don’t want you to buy our products to help you feel ‘enough’. We want you to buy our products because you believe in Ava&Ziva can see it in your wardrobe for years to come. 

How will we do this?

  • We will ensure that our messaging and marketing honours the current version of you. In everything we create, write, and share, we want to leave you feeling empowered and worthy and ready to take on the world.
  • We offer private in-person fittings for you to experience our pieces first hand and ensure that you feel beautiful in them before purchasing. Sign up here for a private fitting here.

3. Encouraging Thoughtful Slow Fashion.

Fast fashion sells the idea that you’re only as trendy are your last purchase… or instagram post of that purchase. It glamorizes purchasing new clothes for each event, and only wearing it once. 

The fashion industry preys upon us to make impulse purchases by selling a “now or never” message.

We don’t stand for that. We believe in carefully selecting garments that will fit within your existing wardrobe and intentionally support brands and companies that align with your values and practice what they preach.

How will we do this?

  • Not subscribing to the flash sale or limited time offers that promote spur-of-the-moment, impulse shopping. We want you to be stocking your wardrobe with pieces that you love and have thoughtfully picked out.
  • Having ‘Mindful Shopping Prompts’ on product pages. On each product page we will encourage customers to reflect on their purchase and encourage them to shop mindfully.

Will this cost us revenue? Maybe.

But I think consumers are begging for companies to put their money where their mouth is. To stand up for what they believe and being willing to put their revenue and profits second and the good of humanity and the world first.

I believe that the Universe (and consumers) will reward people (and companies) that have soft hearts and strong values.

And if it doesn’t… then I will sleep peacefully knowing that I am honouring and prioritizing my values. To me, the planet and my values are way more important than a few extra zeros.

With my whole heart,

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